Tag Archives: doula

Perinatal Education

Perinatal Education will have different formats.   Dates of future sessions will be posted on the website. Email: hopefulexpectationsdoula@gmail.com to be placed on class notification list.    Angela Covert  416.371.8212 hopefulexpectationsdoula@gmail.com I shared my story of hope, to young parents in the Dominican Republic, speaking to the challenges and gifts of being a sole support parent.

About Angela

  I am excited to tell you a bit about myself – and why I have chosen to certify as a Doula (Labour/Birth and Postpartum) as well as Perinatal Educator.   My history supporting new parents through pregnancy goes back to when I was 19 years old.  While taking the Social Service Worker program at…


Welcome to HOPEFUL EXPECTATIONS DOULA SERVICESWhat is a Doula:A DOULA IS A SOURCE OF COMFORT, SUPPORT, INFORMATION PRENATALLY, DURING LABOUR AND BIRTH AND POSTPARTUM. In “The Doula Book” written by Klaus, Kennell and Klaus – Research shows that parents who were supported by Doulas during labour reported:• Labour and birth as less painful• Feeling more in…